Asset consists of seven departments who offer services and activities that are interesting to all students of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management. The study specific departments offer for example guidelines, social activities and career events specifically for their field of study. Below you can find an overview of which study belongs to which department. Information on activities and possibilities of cooperation can be found on their specific websites.
- BSc Bedrijfseconomie
- MSc Accountancy*
- MSc Finance*
- BSc Econometrics & Operations Research
- MSc Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences*
- MSc Business Analytics and Operations Research*
- MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics*
- BSc Economics
- BSc Economie & Bedrijfseconomie
- MSc Economics*
- BSc International Business Administration
- MSc International Management*
- BSc Bedrijfseconomie
- MSc Marketing Management*
- MSc Marketing Analytics*
- BSc Bedrijfseconomie
- MSc Information Management*
- MSc Information Technology for Enterpise Management
- MSc Information Master in Managagement of IT
- BSc Bedrijfseconomie
- BSc Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
- MSc Supply Chain Management*
- MSc Strategic Management*